August, 2021
August 6: The virtual symposium, "Attention, Cognition, and the Auditory Self, 1770-1920," which I co-convened with Francesca Brittan was great fun. Special thanks to our 14 speakers, wonderful chairs, and the many attendees who joined us! More information about the event can be found here.
June, 2021
June 23: I am honoured and delighted to join the editorial board of Music Theory Spectrum for a term commencing in Fall 2021.
June 17: The virtual workshop, "Future Histories of Music Theory: Problems and Possibilities," which I co-convened with Thomas Christesen, Nathan Martin, and Lester Hu, was really fantastic. The event aimed to provoke conversation and reflection among historians of music theory and interested scholars in adjacent fields, with the concrete goal of envisioning what a volume akin to Strunk's Source Readings in Music History with an emphasis on what a more "global" history of theory might comprise. Special thanks to our 97 participants! More information about the event can be found here.
June 12: I really enjoyed giving a colloquium talk on Descartes and attention at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. More info here.
May, 2021
May 30: My article, "Séances, 'Sperrits,' and Self-Playing Accordions: Musical Instruments in Victorian Spiritualism" has just been published in vol. 38.2 of the Journal of Musicology. This piece grew out of a very cool workshop on music and visual culture held at Yale back in 2015 convened by Erin Johnson-Williams, and it features a stack of really funny Punch cartoons. Link here.
April, 2021
April 12: I really enjoyed presenting "Hector Berlioz's Neurophysiological Imagination" at Tel-Aviv University's musicology colloquium series. This was the last time I'll be giving this paper, which will come out in the Journal of the American Musicological Society in early 2022.
March, 2021
March 1: It was a pleasure to contribute to Emmanuel Deslouis's piece on the glass harmonica's purported effects on the nerves. Science & Vie Junior is a neat magazine focused on younger readers, and this topic is a fascinating choice. Read more here.
November, 2020
November 8: It was a pleasure to present “‘Blinded by Nature:’ Walter Young's Essay on Rythmical Measures” (1790) at the (virtual) Annual Meeting of the Society for Music Theory this year.
November 3: It was great fun to respond to Leendert van der Miesen's excellent chapter, “‘The Octave Pleases Everybody:’ Marin Mersenne and the Universality of Harmony,” as part of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science's Department III Colloquium.
October, 2020
October 23: I really enjoyed presenting “Attending to Attention in Descartes‘ Musicae Compendium (1618/1850),” to the remarkably interdisciplinary CLaME community at NYU.
September, 2020
September 25: It was a pleasure to present “Attending to Attention in Descartes‘ Musicae Compendium (1618/1850),” as part of the Eastman Graduate Forum colloquium series.
August, 2020
August 31: My article, “How the Sheng became a Harp”, has been published in the Journal of Sound Studies, as part of a special issue convened by
Viktoria Tkaczyk and Leendert van der Miesen of the "Epistemes of Modern Acoustics" Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. The (open-access) article is available here.
August, 2019
August 10: The latest issue of the Journal of the American Musicological Society features a colloquy I convened together with the wonderful Francesca Britten on the topic of “Attention, Anxiety, and Audition's Histories”. Growing out of a panel we put together in 2017, it features contributions by some of my favourite scholars: Allie Kieffer, Nicholas Matthew, and Ben Steege. Check out the introduction I co-wrote with Fran, as well as my essay, “Talking to the Hand: The 'Hysterical Epistemology' of the Migrating Sensorium,” here.
July, 2019
July 31: I was thrilled to contribute a chapter (“Operatic Fantasies in Early Nineteenth-Century Psychiatry”) to Nineteenth-Century Opera and the Scientific Imagination, edited by David Trippett and Benjamin Walton and published by Cambridge University Press. More information here.
May, 2019
May 16: My essay “Music of the Squares: David Ramsay Hay and the Reinvention of Pythagorean Aesthetics” has just appeared in
The Public Domain Review. I've been reading and enjoying this online journal for years, and it's a real privilege to have been able to contribute. Special thanks to Sam Dolbear and Adam Green for their brilliant editorial work.
April, 2019
April 16: It was wonderful to chat with BBC Radio3's Tom Service again, this time in Glasgow as part of a “Music Matters” feature on eighteenth-century Scottish music theorists. Special thanks to the spectacular Brianna Robertson-Kirkland who joined me for the interview and who organised the first ever recordings of John Holden's hymn arrangements with Glasgow University's Chapel Choir, and to Juan-Carlos Jaramillo, who produced the feature. The piece will be broadcast on April 27; you can catch it here.
From left: Me, Brianna Robertson-Kirkland, Tom Service, and Juan-Carlos Jaramillo. March, 2019
March 14-15: It was a real pleasure to host the second meeting of the "Histories of Rhythmic Theories" working group, which was dedicated this time to the theme of "Histories of Musical and Poetic Meter. We were fortunate to be joined by literary scholars as well as music theorists, ethnomusicologists, and music cognition researchers, and the conversations were accordingly rich and exciting. More information about the event can be found at the conference webpage here.
February, 2019
February 11: “Going Global, in Theory,” an essay I co-wrote with members of the “Future Histories of Music Theory” Working Group last July, has just been published on the International Musicological Society's official blog, Musicological Brainfood. You can read the essay, which is part of a special issue on “Defamiliarizing the West,” here.
February 7: I had a wonderful time chatting with BBC Radio 3's Tom Service about my work on Hector Berlioz. Catch our conversation, which is part of a special feature marking the 150th anniversary of the composer's death, at this link. (My contribution starts around 35'40').
December, 2018
December 15: “Musical Glasses, Metal Reeds, and Broken Hearts: Two Cases of Melancholia Treated by New Musical Instruments,” which I had the honor (and pleasure) of writing together with historian of neuroscience Stanley Finger, has just appeared in The Routledge Companion to Music, Mind and Wellbeing: Historical and Scientific Perspectives, edited by Penelope Gouk, Jacomien Prins, Wiebke Thormaehlen, and James Kennaway. More information about the volume can be found here.
November, 2018
November 21: “Histories of Rhythmic Theories, 1600-present” a 2-day workshop hosted by my Research Group, “Histories of Music, Mind, and Body,” at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt, was a really wonderful experience. You can read more about the event here. We'll be holding an expanded follow-up workshop in mid March.
Workshop participants from left: Nori Jacoby, Carmel Raz, David E. Cohen, Bill Rothstein, Rick Cohn, Justin London, Martin Küster, Roger M. Grant, Marc Perlman, Lea Fink.
November 16: My article “An Eighteenth-Century Theory of Musical Cognition?: John Holden's Essay Toward a Rational System of Music (1770)” has just come out in the Fall 2018 issue of the Journal of Music Theory. A link to the article can be found here.
October, 2018
October 24: I had such a great time visiting Queen's University Belfast and it was a real privilege to give a colloquium talk at the Sonic Arts Lab. Many thanks to Zeynep Bulut for the kind invitation!
September, 2018
September 28: I really enjoyed giving a colloquium talk at the University of British Columbia's music department. Many thanks to Ève Poudrier and Claudio Vellutini for the invitation.
August, 2018
August 23: The seminar I taught on “Music and Madness” last semester was featured in the Columbia News - read more about it here. July, 2018
July 20: “Future Histories of Music Theory,” a 2-day workshop hosted by my Research Group, “Histories of Music, Mind, and Body,” at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt, was a really wonderful experience. You can read more about the event here. Stay tuned for a jointly-written essay which will appear in the International Musicological Society's "Brain Food" newsletter later this summer.
Workshop participants from left: Lea Fink, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann, Andrew Hicks, Felix Wörner, Carmel Raz, Caleb Mutch, Nathan Martin, David E. Cohen, Roger M. Grant, Anna Zayaruznaya
July 12:
I had such a great time participating in the workshop on “Sound Objects in Transnational Contexts” at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, and it was exciting to give a talk on the surprising reception of the Chinese sheng in late eighteenth-century Europe. Special thanks to Fanny Gribenski, Nicolas Donin, Jillian Rogers, and Viktoria Tkaczyk for the invitation!
July 1: I am so excited to launch my Research Group, “Histories of Music, Mind, and Body,” at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt. You can learn more about our projects, personnel, and events on our webpage.
June, 2018
June 27: I feel very honored to be joining the American Musicological Society's Committee on Communications for a three-year term.
May, 2018
May 29: I had a wonderful time participating in Trinity College Dublin's Neurohumanities Study Day at the Longroom Hub, and it was fun to give a talk on the intertwined histories of music and neuroscience to a such a diverse audience. Special thanks to Jane Ohlmeyer and Mani Ramaswami for the invitation!
April, 2018
April 30: I'm looking forward to giving a talk on “Music of the Squares: David Ramsay Hay and the Psychology of Pythagorean Aesthetics,” as part of a special session on “Unity, Geometry, and Aesthetics: Revivals of Pythagoreanism in 18th- and 19th-Century Music Theory,” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Music Theory in San Antonio this November.
March, 2018
March 2: I'm thrilled to be returning to the Long Room Hub at Trinity College Dublin for a Neurohumanities workshop in May, and excited to give a talk as part of a workshop on “Sound Objects in Transnational Contexts” at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin in July.
February, 2018
February 10: I'm excited to be co-organizing a conference on the theme of “‘Altered States’: Mind, Embodiment, Aesthetics” at the Sorbonne and the Institut national d'histoire de l'Art (INHA) in Paris on June 1-2, 2018, together with Celine Frigau-Manning and Nicholas Manning. Further information can be found on the conference website here.
January, 2018
January 6: The roster for the Spring edition of “Explorations in the Medical Humanities” at Columbia University, the lecture series I co-organize with Heidi Hausse>, Arden Hegele, and Lan Li, has just been posted here.
December, 2017
December 16: I really enjoyed workshopping my paper on “Music of the Squares: David Ramsay Hay and the Reinvention of Pythagorean Aesthetics” at the symposium on “Musical Aesthetics in 19th-Century Britain,” organized by Kathy Fry at King's College London. This was the last conference of Roger Parker's “Music in London, 1800-1851” research project, which has really shaped the field of nineteenth-century musicology over the past five years. I've learned so much from participating in their events.
November, 2017
November 12: It was great fun to give a talk on “Operatic Fantasies in 19th-Century Psychiatry” at the annual meeting of the American Musicological Society in Rochester. For me, the highlight of the conference was talking about the strange phenomenon of auditory sense transposition as part of a panel I co-organized with Francesca Brittan on “Music and Forms of Attention in the Long Nineteenth Century.” The panel also featured fantastic talks by Francesca Brittan, Davinia Caddy, Allie Kieffer, Nick Mathew, and Ben Steege, with Annette Richards as chair.
October, 2017
October 30: My article, “Music, Theater, and the Moral Treatment: the Case Dei Matti of Aversa and Palermo,” has just been published in Laboratoire italien 20.2 (2017). Special thanks to the wonderful Celine Frigau Manning for all of her amazing work assembling and editing this special issue on “Italian Music and the Medical Sciences”! You can read the issue here.
September, 2017
September 3: I'm excited to announce a new lecture series entitled “Explorations in the Medical Humanities” at Columbia University, which I'm co-organizing together with the inimitable Heidi Hausse>, Arden Hegele, and Lan Li. More information about our Fall roster can be found here.
July, 2017
July 1: I am incredibly honored to be joining the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt starting in July 2018, where I will be Research Group Leader of a group entitled “Histories of Music, Mind, and Body.” I'll be posting more information about this soon.
June, 2017
June 15: Together with the wonderful Roger Grant (Wesleyan), Andrew Hicks (Cornell), Nathan Martin (Michigan), Caleb Mutch (Indiana), and Anna Zayaruznaya (Yale), I'm excited to be co-organizing a conference on “Instruments of Music Theory,” through the auspices of the History of Theory SMT Interest Group / AMS Study Group, which will take place at the Eastman School of Music on November 8-9. More information about the event (including our keynote speakers and the full program) can be found on the conference website here.
May, 2017
May 13: It was great fun to co-organize “Sound and Sense in Britain, 1770-1840,” with James Grande at the Heyman Center for the Humanities. The talks and the workshop were fascinating, and it was wonderful to have such a mix of historians, literary scholars, and musicologists thinking about sound together. Special thanks to Roger Parker and Music in London, 1800-1851 for co-sponsoring the event!
May 3: I'll be giving a paper on “Operatic Fantasies in Nineteenth-Century Psychiatry,” and participating in an evening panel on “Music and Forms of Attention in the Long Nineteenth Century” at the American Musicological Society's annual meeting in Rochester.
April, 2017
April 1: “Music and the Body between Revolutions, 1789-1848,” a conference I co-organized with Celine Frigau-Manning and Julia Doe at the Heyman Center for the Humanities was great fun. Both the talks and the workshop were incredibly enjoyable, and it was great to hear so many diverse perspective on French music and science. The conference program and more info can be found here March, 2017
March 22: It was very exciting to join the folks at Trinity College Dublin to discuss neurohumanities this past week, and an honor to give a talk at the Longroom Hub as well. Special thanks to Jane Ohlmeyer for the invitation!
February, 2017
February 21: It was so much fun to co-organize a conference on “Global Perspectives in Histories of Music Theory” at the Heyman Center for the Humanities together with the amazing Lan Li. Our flier is here below; further information about the speakers, abstracts, and program can be found on our conference website here. January, 2017
January 19: I'm excited to be co-organizing a conference on “Global Perspectives in Histories of Music Theory” at the Heyman Center for the Humanities together with my good friend Lan Li. Check out our conference trailer here below!
November, 2016
November 7: I had a wonderful time at the joint AMS/SMT meeting in Vancouver this year. It was great to hear so many interesting papers and meet old and new friends. I particularly enjoyed presenting on Anne Young's Musical Games (1801) at the Ludomusicology Study Group's special session on "Ludomusicology Outside Video Games." October, 2016
October 27:
I've been awarded a course development grant by the Center for Science and Society at Columbia University. September, 2016
September 16:
My article, "The Lost Movements of Ernst Toch's Gesprochene Musik" has just been published in vol. 97 of Current Musicology.
August, 2016
August 26:
Its always wonderful to play with Jason Lindner's Breeding Ground band, and we had a really great time at the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival at Marcus Garvey Park. You can check out my solo over a new Lindner original here; stay for Baba Israel's incredible freestyle beatboxing.
At the Charlie Parker Festival July, 2016
July 24:
I was honored to join Marlysse Rose Simmon's band Miramar for two New York performances at Barbès and at the Lincoln Center Out of Doors Festival. It was especially great to play again with my friend, the phenomenal cellist-improviser Tomeka Reid, after so many years!
At the Lincoln Center Out of Doors Festival
July 13:
I really enjoyed the 19th Biennial International Conference on Nineteenth-Century Music at Oxford this month, and it was great fun to join Céline-Frigau Manning for a panel on "Opera and the Medical Sciences."
April, 2016
April 8: My review of James Kennaway's edited volume, Music and the Nerves, 1700-1900," has been published online in Social History of Medicine.